One of TV history's most award-winning female comedians, Carol Burnett is best known for her variety show The Carol Burnett Show. It originally aired on CBS from 1967-1978. In 2005, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her contributions to the entertainment industry. Her legacy is as long as the beautiful gowns she often wore during her monologues that introduced her landmark show.

But do you know how she got her start? Watch the video above to hear her advice to her former self, plus the story of how an auspicious phone call to Lucille Ball supported one of the most legendary comedians of all time.

Today, Carol Burnett continues to be a great performer, writer and producer working in television. What keeps her going? In the video below, she reveals what she thinks is the greatest feeling in the world. She also has some surprising things to say about female comedians working today.

Watch Carol Burnett offer crucial advice for all performers:

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